Biz Bize (TDC)
On Sunday 9 October, we invite our communities to come together in Körnerpark.
We love to work with other collectives as we believe that a lot can be learned from each other in collaboration. For this reason, we are looking forward to the day with YAYA Amalopa. YAYA Amalopa This is a FLINTA collective from NRW whose daily business consists of organising different kinds of events, being present and moving in a system that is actually made by men for men. They organise events that are mainly meant to strengthen the Queer BIPOC FLINTA community. It is always also about learning from each other, exchanging skills, making contacts and getting jobs. The knowledge and experience of how difficult or how little it goes without saying to be able to take on a role in club culture as a female queer migrant in this system, or even to make a living, brought the two collectives İç İçe and YAYA together.
System als weiblich queere migrantische Person in der Clubkultur eine Rolle einnehmen oder gar den Lebensunterhalt bestreiten zu können, führte die beiden Kollektive İç İçe und YAYA zusammen.
Everyone who wants to take a more active role in club culture is invited. In an exchange round with moderation, experiences will be shared, ideas collected and skills matched. Besides a workshop on community building, there will be a concert by Ceren and two b2b sets - one with Gîn Bali from YAYA Amalopa.
Community Brunch
Workshop Community Building
Ceren LIVE
Gîn Bali b2b Moonsquad
Community Brunch, Workshop, Konzert + DJ Sets
12-21 Uhr
Ticket Price
Donation based
İÇ İÇE Festival für neue anatolische Musik
"İç İçe, which means "intertwined" or "interwoven" in Turkish, is the first and only festival for contemporary Anatolian music in Germany. The Anatolian region has always been considered a melting pot for diverse cultural currents and musical traditions, which have been unfolding and influencing our neighbourhood anew since the 1960s at the latest - from the underground to pop culture, our everyday lives and nightlife. İç İçe wants to make Anatolian music and club culture visible with a cross-genre music and cultural programme and offer the widely ramified Anatolian communities in Germany a space to develop and come together.
Based on this, İç İçe stands for hybrid identities, the coming together and coalescence of different spaces and biographies, the acceptance of multiple affiliations and for life in post-migrant society.